Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Why the SEER2 Rating Really Matters: A Mathematical Breakdown

Monday, September 9th, 2024

In January of 2023, the HVAC industry changed with new standards and ways to measure efficiency. The SEER measurement was essentially upgraded to SEER2 which made it so that the standards were quickly raised for what constituted an energy-efficient air conditioner.

If this is the first time you’ve heard about the SEER2 regulations, don’t be alarmed. Many people are far too busy to be up to date on the ins and outs of the HVAC industry, let alone why these decisions are made. But that’s what we’re here for!

Air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA can be complicated, but we hope to make things a bit easier for our customers. Follow along to learn about the new SEER2 regulations and what that means for your old or outdated air conditioner.

The Decision to Replace

New SEER2 changes mean older and outdated air conditioners are no longer as valuable and efficient as they used to be. This is a big deal because it means that a system that’s been working dutifully for 10-15 years in your home might now be the perfect target for a replacement.

We know that replacements are expensive, and if the system works, the new regulations don’t affect you yet. But if the unit is running inefficiently, you could be wasting money month after month while the system is on borrowed time. It can’t last forever, and it will eventually break down entirely, which means you might be better off getting it replaced now.

And the good news is that with new SEER2 guidelines, the choice to replace it is much easier to make with so many highly efficient and powerful systems on the market.

How Efficient Is a New SEER2 System?

The minimum standard for air conditioning systems in the SEER2 system is 13.4 in our area, which signifies the lowest efficiency level an AC can be. If you have an older air conditioner, you could be getting efficiency levels that are even lower than this.

If you replace this system with a newer, higher SEER2 value system, you might be getting some serious savings. Here’s an example.

An Upgrade

Newer AC models can have SEER2 ratings anywhere between 13.4 and 21. Let’s say you splurge on a new AC system with a SEER rating of 19, and your old system is running at 13-14. This is around a 25% increase in efficiency, which could mean saving a quarter of your recurring energy bill or more every month.

As an example, if you’re spending $100 a month on energy for your AC, a highly efficient AC with 19 SEER2 compared to 13-14 would turn that into $75 every month. You could save this much money every single month, and with routine maintenance, you’d get this return for the next decade or more!

Want to know more about the returns you might get with a new, high-efficiency AC upgrade? Talk with our team of experts to do the math and see the incentives for improving your home efficiency.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email customerservice@daltonphc.com or schedule an appointment online. 

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Efficiency Is Key: Understanding the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioner

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Your air conditioner has one job–to turn on and then cool the air inside of your home. This is a no-brainer and something we’d expect every air conditioning unit on the planet to do. However, there’s another hidden job that your air conditioner has, which other homeowners might not be as aware of.

Your air conditioner needs to also run as efficiently as possible while cooling your home. This means it needs to do the job of cooling your house by consuming a minimal amount of electricity. This is what makes turning the system on a sensible choice because a skyrocketing energy bill will quickly cause customers to stress out and turn their systems back off.

So, how do you better understand this secondary, hidden job of your air conditioner? Follow along below for some tips to evaluate the efficiency of your air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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No Cooling? A Step By Step Guide of What to Do

Monday, April 15th, 2024

People are used to immediate results when it comes to an appliance. You flip the switch and it should start working right away. Think about the lights in your home or your television, when you press the button or flip the switch, you can probably imagine how it’s supposed to react. This instant gratification is important because when a system doesn’t operate exactly as it should, you might start getting worried.

This is normal, but it can be stressful when it has to do with your cooling system. Air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA is pretty important, especially when hot temperatures are right around the corner. It feels like heatwaves are coming earlier and earlier each year, which means time is running out.

If you turn your system on and don’t feel any cooling, then be sure to follow our guide to alleviate any panic. It’s going to be okay!

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AC Refrigerant: A Brief History

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Refrigerant is a core part of air conditioning, and it’s something that has even been mentioned in the news in the past few years. As heat pumps become more popular in our area, refrigerant becomes the center of the discussion because of how much is required to meet American AC needs.

Air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA is no different. Each system in our area runs using a specific type of refrigerant, and the model that you use will dictate that difference. But what if the prices of refrigerants change in the future? And how do you know if your refrigerant has been phased out before a problem arrives?

Now you’re speaking our language! Keep reading to learn about refrigerants. We’ll talk about what it is, what it does, the major types, and what the future holds for this interesting chemical.

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Big Tips: Saving Money During a Heatwave

Monday, July 31st, 2023

You’ve probably seen the news over the past few days or weeks. Half of the country is encountering record-breaking heat and, in some cases, extreme weather warning. This is causing some serious strain on the power grid as everyone begins running their air conditioners throughout the days and nights.

There’s no escaping this heat if you live where we do. Air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA is necessary at this point, and while we’ve just made it to August, there’s likely a lot more heat to come.

So, how can you get through a heatwave and record-breaking temperatures without breaking the bank? We’ll go over some tested tips and best practices that can help you tremendously over the next few weeks–and some of these tips are free!

Just be sure to call a team of professionals if you encounter any problems, from blown-out compressors to ice forming on your coil. We can be the technicians to help you.

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What Do I Do About a Hot Upstairs?

Monday, May 1st, 2023

If there’s one universal law we deal with on a regular basis, it’s that heat rises. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, the heat you create or encounter in your life will always drift to the upper area of your home. It’s really that consistent.

However, homes are a little different. For one, we treat them to be cooler or warmer than the outside depending on our comfort preferences. Your air conditioner, for instance, is designed to cool all of the space in your home so that the air feels good, even the upstairs air.

So, if there’s an issue with a hot upstairs in your home, then you might have a problem with your air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA. Keep reading or call our team to schedule an appointment and figure out what’s going on.

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Is It Ever Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, September 12th, 2022

If you’ve followed our blog for very long, you’ve probably seen us mention maintenance once or twice. Okay, maybe more than that.

The thing is, maintenance is absolutely vital to keeping your heating and cooling systems in great shape. Tune-ups help your air conditioner and furnace work as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. We typically recommend air conditioning maintenance be done in the fall since this is right before you need the system the most.

Seeing as it is now late summer and temperatures are going to start cooling down soon, is it too late to schedule air conditioner maintenance? NO, actually!

We do suggest that our customers have air conditioner maintenance done before summer begins. The truth is that it doesn’t matter when you have it done as long as you’re having it professionally tuned up at least once a year–twice a year if you’re using a heat pump system. Consistency matters the most here. Read on to learn why you should make this service a priority in your household.

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When It’s Time for AC Replacement, Consider a Heat Pump

Monday, July 18th, 2022

We’re in the midst of summer, and if you’re reading this blog post now, then chances are that you’re in a bit of a hurry to get a new air conditioner! This isn’t, however, a purchase you want to rush into. Doing so could leave you with an inefficient system, or an air conditioner that isn’t correctly matched for your specific home and needs. It may not even be sized correctly, which causes a whole host of other problems.

Plus, you may find that you would benefit from a whole different type of air conditioner altogether–the heat pump system! This is actually a 2-in-1 HVAC system that not only cools your home but also efficiently heats your home. When you’re ready to learn more about air conditioning in Cedar Falls, IA, don’t look any further than our team. Read on to learn more about these highly efficient and effective HVAC systems.

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3 Important Questions to Ask Your AC Technician

Monday, May 30th, 2022

Whether you’re having a new air conditioner installed or you need a repair for your existing cooling system, it’s never a “set it and forget it” kind of deal. In order to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible, your air conditioner needs to be properly maintained, throughout the years. This means that you need an experienced professional to inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it.

How often should this service be done? For a typical air conditioner, this service is needed once a year. It’s a biannual service, though, for year-round heat pump systems.

When you have an AC technician over, to install, repair, or maintain your system, it’s a perfect time to ask them some questions in order to gauge how to best care for your air conditioner to keep it operational for as long as possible. Read on as we uncover what some of these questions could be, and provide you with some brief answers for now.

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Tips for Keeping Your Home Cooler

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

It’s no secret that we’re dealing with an especially warm summer this year. If you’ve been outside at all, you already know that temperatures are stifling. This means your air conditioner is going under a lot of stress to do its job, right? If you had maintenance done this past spring, you don’t likely have much to worry about. Maintenance helps your air conditioner work as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible–especially if you keep up on any repair recommendations we make during this service.

Having a great air conditioner installed is also a good step in keeping your home cool. This means working with a professional to ensure your home is properly matched with the right air conditioner and a correctly sized air conditioner as well. Too big of an AC can be just as detrimental to your comfort and the system itself as too small of one.

So when you’ve got professional installation and professional maintenance under your belt, there’s nothing more you can do, right? Wrong! There are plenty of additional steps you can take to make sure your household stays cool this summer–potentially even cooler than you thought possible. Read on to learn more!

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