22 FOR 22 IN 22

November 1st, 2022

Did you know that on average, 22 veterans take their life each day due to mental health challenges?

That is why, as a Veteran-owned company, Dalton is saying THANK YOU this Veteran’s Day. Central and Eastern Iowa have the highest concentration of Veterans in the State, so we are giving back by donating $22,000 worth of improvements to 22 local Veteran Service Organizations in 2022.

Dalton will evaluate each of the 22 organization’s electrical, plumbing, and HVAC needs, then choose 3 winners to receive their needed upgrade.

Please join us in supporting those who fought for our freedom.

An additional incentive for VSOs – 22% of any work they choose to do with Dalton from Nov. 11th and December 31st will be donated directly to Iowa Veterans Mental Health- 11% in Daltons’ Name and 11% in the VSO’s name.

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A Reminder: Remove That Knob and Tube Wiring!

July 22nd, 2024

Knob and tube wiring is a serious concern that we’ve discussed on our blog before. Many homes in our area are older (which is one good reason why we love them so much) and older homes can be the victims of subpar wiring and fire hazards.

Luckily, our team has an electrician in Cedar Rapids on standby to help homeowners address their knob and tube wiring issues, as well as to support them upgrading their home electric grids into the 21st century.

Today, we’d like to focus on the issue of knob and tube wiring specifically. We want to talk about what it is, why we advise customers to get it removed, and what can be so dangerous about it. Then, when you’ve got an idea that your knob and tube wiring needs to be replaced, you can call us!

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The Infamous Dripping Noise: A Guide

July 15th, 2024

You’re probably used to hearing dripping sounds and pinpointing the issue to a part of your home plumbing, right? Perhaps it’s a dripping faucet or a leaky pipe. But what if you’ve walked through your entire house and you’ve come to realize that the dripping sound is not coming from your plumbing system, but instead from your AC?

What do you do? What does this mean? And how can you be sure that nothing catastrophically bad is happening?

We understand the urgent concern. Stagnant water can often lead to mold growth, and we don’t want any of our customers getting comfortable with water dripping in their homes. However, the issue might be easily resolved with AC repair in Cedar Rapids.

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Silent AC Issues: Hidden Problems Uncovered

July 15th, 2024

Summer is here, and the last thing you want is an air conditioner that doesn’t work right when you need it most. Many homeowners don’t realize their AC has problems until it’s too late. That’s why regular checks and expert air conditioning repair in Cedar Falls are key to keeping your cooling system in top shape. At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., we’re committed to uncovering those silent AC issues before they disrupt your comfort.

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Mid-Summer Check-In: Is This It for Your AC?

July 8th, 2024

Air conditioners are under a lot of stress during the summer months. They’re working almost day and night to get you comfortable whether it’s 80 degrees out or 100. This stress can cause component malfunctions that are easily repaired by a professional–but when is it too much for your AC? Can damage ever be permanent and require a whole system replacement?

Well, the truth is that yes, damage can be permanent and require replacement. But this is rare and depends on a variety of different factors like the age of your system and it’s manufacturer. Every piece of machinery has a lifespan and it might be time for air conditioning replacement in Cedar Rapids, IA if your AC is consistently falling apart.

Let’s check in and see if it’s time for your AC to call it quits.

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Why Ice Forming on Your Coils Is Keeping Your Home Hot

July 1st, 2024

Ice is never a fun thing to see on your air conditioner. You’re probably already aware that your AC system doesn’t use ice to keep your home cool. In fact, your refrigerator and freezer don’t use ice to keep food cold either. Ice is just a byproduct of cold temperatures and humidity, and our air conditioners or refrigerators work using electricity and refrigerant to do this instead of ice.

So, why should you be so concerned when you see ice? Something must be working if temperatures are cold enough inside your air conditioner to create ice, right?

Well, not necessarily. In fact, ice could be contributing to your home being too warm. It’s true! Let’s talk about why ice growing on your AC is a sign that you need air conditioning repair in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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Detect Leaks Early: Save Water and Money

July 1st, 2024

Water leaks are more than just a nuisance—they can significantly increase your water bills and cause serious damage to your home. At Dalton, we understand the urgency of addressing these issues promptly. With our Lifetime Parts Repair Warranty Guarantee and our promise to have a service technician at your home in 24 hours or less—or the job is free—we are your go-to team for reliable plumbing solutions in Evansdale.

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Defeating the Heat: Tips on Your Quest to Stay Cool

June 24th, 2024

It’s a quiet afternoon during a summer heatwave, and you’re happy at home enjoying a nice book with the air conditioning running. That is, until the system abruptly shuts off. You put your ears up to the vents but there’s no sound coming from it, not even the sound of a fan whirring. The panic sets in as you realize that your home is going to get a lot hotter in only a few hours. What do you do?

This is an unfortunate occurrence for a lot of our customers. Air conditioners are under a lot of pressure during the summer, and this leads to breakdowns happening even with systems that are in perfectly good shape.

First, start off by calling our team and scheduling AC repair in Cedar Rapids as quickly as possible. Then, when you’ve got the situation under control, make sure you follow our tips to stay cool and collected.

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Efficiency Is Key: Understanding the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioner

June 17th, 2024

Your air conditioner has one job–to turn on and then cool the air inside of your home. This is a no-brainer and something we’d expect every air conditioning unit on the planet to do. However, there’s another hidden job that your air conditioner has, which other homeowners might not be as aware of.

Your air conditioner needs to also run as efficiently as possible while cooling your home. This means it needs to do the job of cooling your house by consuming a minimal amount of electricity. This is what makes turning the system on a sensible choice because a skyrocketing energy bill will quickly cause customers to stress out and turn their systems back off.

So, how do you better understand this secondary, hidden job of your air conditioner? Follow along below for some tips to evaluate the efficiency of your air conditioning in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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What to Ask Before Your AC Installation

June 17th, 2024

Summer is here, and it’s the perfect time to think about staying cool. If you’re considering a new air conditioner, you might wonder what to ask before the installation. Here’s a straightforward guide to get you started, focusing on what we at Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. believe you should know about air conditioning installation in Waterloo, IA

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Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, and Experiencing an AC Problem: Dalton’s Tips

June 10th, 2024

Air conditioner issues come in all shapes and forms. For instance, your neighbor might complain about a very specific AC issue that they’re experiencing when you see them for the Fourth of July this year. But it’s actually pretty rare that you experience the same problem with the same source as them. AC units are very different depending on their size, the home they’re installed in, and even the preferences of the owner.

That’s why we think that customers need to be prepared to experience some unique things, like strange noises or foul odors, which can be a sign of a problem on its own. And, if you have the tools to detect these issues by yourself, you can also call our team for AC repair in Cedar Rapids, so the issue can get resolved quickly.

Ready to get started? Keep those eyes, ears, and nostrils peeled for what’s to come!

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