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Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc. Blog

An AC Upgrade Might Be in Your Future

Air conditioning is all over the news these days. It’s not by accident either, there are record-breaking heatwaves happening all over the country–and we’re still barely in August.

This means that you’re likely getting inundated with advertisements about central air conditioners, heat pumps, ductless systems, and more. But why can’t you just rely on your old window air conditioner?

Well, you can, but it’s not going to be as reliable as a more robust system. Window AC units are not as powerful, efficient, or as convenient as central air conditioners.

In fact, central air conditioners are almost better in every single way, and window units are only better in very specific situations (like small apartments and tiny homes).

We’d like to talk about all of the ways a central AC upgrade in Cedar Rapids, IA is going to be a great decision, and when it might not be.

Measuring Efficiency

One of the most convincing reasons to upgrade your air conditioning is efficiency. Energy efficiency is such an important metric these days, that high-efficiency systems are practically flying off of shelves, while older low-SEER models are gathering cobwebs.

A window unit might look like it does the trick, when in actuality it’s sucking up a lot of electrical energy just to produce one room’s worth of cooling. This is not very efficient, especially since the interior doors and walls of your home are not as well insulated as the exterior.

A central AC system is going to run more efficiently than a window unit, even if it ends up costing more in total. Your energy bills might increase slightly, but you’ll get an entire home of comfort during the hottest days of the year.

Longevity and Convenience

A central air conditioner will work longer and more conveniently than a window unit. Most window units need to be operated from a panel right in your window. Then, when the cooling season is finally over, you need to lug the big thing to a storage closet or separate room where it gathers dust.

Central AC systems exist behind the scenes, with an outdoor condener component being able to endure the elements. Central air conditioners, because they’re moved around less, can last much longer than a window unit, saving you costs in the long run.

Make the Right Call for Your Comfort

When is a central air conditioner not a good or necessary upgrade for your home? Well, in some cases, a smaller unit might be better than a central AC, but a window air conditioner still might not be the right option.

Window air conditioner should only realistically be used for small apartments and tiny homes. Even then, they’re taking up valuable window real-estate.

For some apartments, though, a ductless mini split is a great idea. These units are small and mounted on walls or ceilings, being out of sight and extremely energy efficient. They can function in multiple different locations, or just in one centralized area.

At Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, Electric and Fireplaces, Inc., your comfort is our promise! To set up an appointment in the Cedar Rapids area, give us a call at the number above, email or schedule an appointment online.

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